WMD Found – But Not In Iraq

Lincoln Group: Unethical weapon of mass deception
Controversial public relations outfit awarded yet another Pentagon contract: up to $20 million for monitoring the media

Bill Berkowitz

Since the inception of the Iraq war, and even during the run-up to the invasion, the Bush Administration aimed to control the news about, and from, Iraq. Early on, embedded reporters told moving, albeit questionable stories about the toppling of the statue of Saddam and the heroism of individual soldiers as the military quickly seized Baghdad. Over the course of the subsequent three-plus-year occupation, several hundred million dollars have been spent on an assortment of media projects that were specifically designed to sell “good” news about the occupation.

Perhaps the most notorious U.S. effort involved a U.S. public relations company that was contracted to pay for positive news stories — written by U.S. military personnel — to be placed in Iraqi publications.

In late-September, the Pentagon once again turned to the Lincoln Group, inking a two-year contract which “put together a unit of 12-18 communicators to support military PR efforts in Iraq and throughout the Middle East from media training to pitching stories and providing content for government-backed news sites,” ODwyerspr.com reported.

According to ODwyerpr.com — an information service produced by the highly respected industry publication O’Dwyers PR Daily — the “contract with the Multi-National Force-Iraq is valued at more than $6 million per year, although contracting documents indicated that additional efforts could be “ordered” from the Pennsylvania Avenue firm for up to $20 million.”

“Lincoln Group is proud to be trusted to assist the multi-national forces in Iraq with communicating news about their vital work,” said Bill Dixon, a company representative.

Read it here.

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