Ending the Iraq War

MDS/Austin Resolution on Withdrawal from Iraq for Democratic Precinct Caucuses
by: thorne dreyer
Thu Feb 21, 2008 at 06:36 PM CST

This, I believe, is an optimal, viable and timely plan for the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq. It will be presented at precinct conventions throughout Travis County on March 4. I think it’s an excellent plan for us to coalesce support around.

— Thorne Dreyer

Proposed Resolution on Iraq
For March 4 Democratic Precinct Conventions

The following is a “Plan for the withdrawal of all U.S. military forces from Iraq” posted by Paul Spencer on The Rag Blog and adapted by David Hamilton of MDS/Austin. It will be submitted to every precinct in Travis County for consideration at the Democratic Party precinct caucuses on March 4th.

MDS/Austin strongly urges participation in these caucuses and the advocacy of this plan. In order to do so, you must vote in the Democratic Party primary, either on March 4 or before at an early voting site. Any registered voter can vote in the Democratic Party primary and participate in these caucuses and doing so does not commit you to vote for the Democratic Party nominee in November.

Texas has the most complex delegate selection process in the nation, both a primary and caucuses. Essentially, you can vote twice. Texas has 228 delegates, but 35 are super-delegates (Democratic Party officials) and those are not in play. Of the remaining 183, 122 will be determined by votes in the March 4th primary election. Another 61 will be determined by the caucus process that begins that same night at the precinct level.

Caucuses are at the same location as the voting and are supposed to begin at 7:15 pm after the polls close. Be on time. You merely have to show up at that time and register as a supporter of a particular candidate. Then you can leave. The numbers of those who register at the precinct caucus will determine the apportionment of delegates to the county convention on March 29th. Resolutions will be considered by those who stay.

Please send on this information to all those you know who might be interested and supportive.


Plan for Withdrawal of all U.S. Military Forces from Iraq.

Please complete the following at the Democratic Precinct Convention on Tuesday, March 4, 2008: (circle one) Adopted / Not adopted by Precinct _____, Senate District _____.

Plan for the withdrawal of all U.S. military forces from Iraq.

Whereas, the Second Iraq War has caused enormous damage to the security, economic well-being and moral standing of the United States,

And whereas, this war was entered into on what were known by the Bush administration at the time to be questionable if not false pretexts,

Therefore, let it be resolved that:

1a. All U.S. troops will redeploy to the five main U.S. bases in Iraq, as quickly as possible, but no later than in 60 days after the institution of this plan on January 20, 2009 with the inauguration of the new U.S. president.
b. Iraqis who have cooperated with U.S. forces and request asylum in the US will be moved to temporary camps within these bases within the 60-day limit.
c. All U.S. troops not necessary to support these bases will depart Iraq within the 60-day limit.

2a. All U.S. “contractors” will redeploy to Kuwait within the 60-day limit in order to organize their expeditious departure from the region.
b. All non-U.S. citizen “contractors” will be dismissed and given commercial airplane tickets to their home country from Kuwait.

3a. All non-essential material will be left in place and turned over to local Iraqi authorities.
b. All weaponry and ammunition will be collected and secured within 60 days for transport to the U.S. in conjunction with the U.S. troop withdrawal.
c. All mine-detection devices, tools, construction equipment and material, and medical supplies will be turned over to local Iraqi authorities.

4a. A UN sponsored conference will be organized including Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, Iraqi Sunni, and Iraqi Shia to negotiate political arrangements for Iraq’s southern provinces.
b. A UN sponsored conference will be organized including Turkey, Iran, Syria, Turkomen, Iraqi Sunnis and Iraqi Kurds to negotiate political arrangements for Iraq’s northern provinces.
c. A subsequent UN sponsored conference will be organized including all regional and Iraqi parties to negotiate future relations between all segments of Iraqi society.
d. The UN will hold an advisory conference on Iraq to obtain viewpoints of all interested parties with no direct political role in the region.

5a. When the treaties, constitutions or arrangements acceptable to all sectors of Iraqi society are formalized and approved in UN monitored elections, the full withdrawal of all US military personnel from Iraq will be completed at the agreed date-certain, but not later than December 31, 2009.
b. Eligible Iraqis who request asylum to the US will be processed for immigration on an expedited basis.
c. The U.S. bases will be turned over to the local Iraqi authorities in which they are located.
d. The U.S. will budget reparations to compensate for damage done to Iraq during the invasion and occupation, to be paid to the Iraqi entity or entities that emerge from the above agreements.

Submitted by David and Sally Hamilton. Precinct 338. Senate district 14.

MDS – Austin

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