The best part of this is that these staff members learned about the new policy from the news, not from their bosses. Hah, hah, hah – says a lot about BushCo, eh?
New Iraq policy prompts angry words at the State Department
From Charley Keyes, CNN
WASHINGTON (CNN) — Calling it “a potential death sentence,” several hundred diplomats expressed their resentment Wednesday over a new State Department policy that could force them to serve in Iraq or risk losing their jobs.
Some diplomats may be forced to serve in the new U.S. embassy complex under construction in Baghdad, Iraq.
Some at the hourlong town hall-style meeting questioned why they were not told of the policy change directly, learning about it instead from news organizations last week.
Others pointed out the risks of such a rule, considering the dangers of a war zone, lack of security and regular rocket attacks on U.S. personnel.
One State Department worker complained she was not provided medical treatment for her post-traumatic stress disorder after she voluntarily served in Iraq.
The session was marked by angry exchanges, according to an audio recording of the meeting held at the State Department.
The sharpest comments came from Jack Croddy, a 36-year veteran of the Foreign Service.
To loud applause from his fellow workers, he asked how the State Department could protect people in Baghdad or the Iraq countryside when “incoming is coming in every day. Rockets are hitting the Green Zone.”
Read it here.
If the state department employees sign a mobility agreement and they are asked to go to Iraq then they go, its that simple. And if they are unwilling to do their jobs, fire them immediately and get someone that will. That is what the State Department is for; Foregin relations, hello!!!! There are plenty of OTHER FEDERAL employess from other agencies deployed in support of GWOT.
We assume you are an apologist for BushCo, you are in denial, and you probably either work for BushCo or for one of its clients, such as Blackwater.
The GWOT is a misnomer – at least the acronym remains correct even when it is termed the “global war OF terror,” the only accurate characterization of what is happening.
We have no particular dispute with what you say about State