Exclusive: Iraqi army brutality
Published: 24 Jan 2007
By: Jonathan Miller
Channel 4 News has exclusive access to the brutality meted out by the largely Shi’a Iraqi army in Baghdad.
It is a shocking insight into the sectarian violence that is tearing Baghdad apart.
As tens of thousands of American troops prepare to “surge” into the iraqi capital – Channel 4 News has obtained exclusive evidence of the brutality being meted out by the largely Shi’a Iraqi army – as US troops stand idly by.
Two journalists – embedded with the First Cavalry division – witnessed suspected insurgents being viciously beaten and abused.
The journalists were then threatened and held under armed guard by the Americans – as troops attempted to seize their footage.
US Army commander Lieutenant Colonel Dale C Kuehl told Channel 4 News he had taken administrative action to include suspending the platoon sergeant.
He said: “The US Army does not condone detainee abuse within our formation not within ISF formations.
“The appropriate actions will be taken once the results of the investigation are final.”