Tag Archives: Participatory Democracy

Alice Embree :
Democracy and the frog in the well

If our democracy makes your eyes glaze over, Chile offers a refresher course on the possibility of change. By Alice Embree | The Rag Blog | October 1, 2015 A frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean.  … Continue reading

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Tom Hayden : Secrecy Protests Split American Elites

Image from ElectronicFrontierFoundation / Flickr. Protests against secrecy drive elites into debate A virtual empire composed of distant and interconnected private and public elites contradicts representative democracy as virtually all Americans understand it. By Tom Hayden | The Rag Blog … Continue reading

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Carl Davidson : Bumpy Road Ahead: Obama and the Left

This is a time of great opportunity for progressives in America. The big question facing us is where to go next, and how to get there. It is a question we plan to devote much attention to here on The … Continue reading

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