Tag Archives: Islamophobia

Lamar W. Hankins :
Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s unpatriotic view of Syrian refugees

The governor wants to bar the ‘golden door’ to freedom, rather than light the pathway for those who most need to find it. By Lamar W. Hankins | The Rag Blog | Nov. 19, 2015 I have always considered the … Continue reading

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Ed Felien : Breivik’s Norwegian ‘Putsch’ Has Historical Echoes

Political cartoon by Paolo Lombardi / toonpool.The parallels are ominous:Terror in Norway There are organizations that support the ideas of McVeigh and Breivik, and there is a culture that supports murder and violence as legitimate means to realize those ends. … Continue reading

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Ed Felien : Is the Terror in Norway an Isolated Act?

Political cartoon by Paolo Lombardi / toonpool.The parallels are ominous:Terror in Norway There are organizations that support the ideas of McVeigh and Breivik, and there is a culture that supports murder and violence as legitimate means to realize those ends. … Continue reading

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Sherman DeBrosse : Tea Baggers, Nativism, and the Fall Elections

Cartoon from the book Heroes of the Fiery Cross (1928) by nativist Branford Clarke that opposed immigration and promoted the Ku Klux Klan. Image from Wikimedia Commons.An open letter to E.J. Dionneconcerning Tea Baggers, nativism,and the possibility of reasoned discussion… … Continue reading

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Thomas Good : Hatred and Healing at Ground Zero

Photo by Bud Korotzer / NLN.The objectification of Other:Hatred and healing at Ground Zero By Thomas Good / The Rag Blog / August 23, 2010 See photo gallery, Below. NEW YORK — Sunday was another rainy day in New York … Continue reading

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Matt Wuerker : This is Hallowed Ground

“This is hallowed ground.” Cartoon by Matt Wuerker / Cartoonist Group / Politico / Center for American Progress.Thanks to Thomas Cleaver / The Rag Blog

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Michael Meeropol : Islamophobia and the ‘Two Americas’

‘Islam in Two Americas’: Times piece reflects pernicious xenophobia The implication… is that when Americans display anti-Muslim bigotry — as in the past they had been anti-semitic, anti-Catholic, anti-Mormon, anti-immigrant — it makes for a quick and more complete assimilation… … Continue reading

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Islamophobia in Texas : Fear-Mongering in Race for Education Board

Republican Bradley: Opponent soft on Islam.By Lisa Falkenberg Watch out, parents. Democratic State Board of Education candidate Laura Ewing wants to convert your children to Islam. At least, that’s the implication of a campaign ad from her opponent, Republican David … Continue reading

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