Tag Archives: Recession

Ted McLaughlin : The Unemployment Monster

Political cartoon by Rodrigo / Expresso.And the recession rages on:The unemployment monsterBy Ted McLaughlin / The Rag Blog / May 9, 2011 The cartoon above may seem funny to a lot of people, but I suspect those would be people … Continue reading

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Ted McLaughlin : These Jobs Won’t Cut It

We don’t just need jobs;We need good jobs By Ted McLaughlin / The Rag Blog / August 31, 2010 George Bush, with his policy of accelerated Reaganomics, made a real mess of the United States economy before he left office. … Continue reading

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Distribution of Wealth : Way Out of Whack

Image from OECD / CBS News.Trickle UP theory:The recession and its roots By Ted McLaughlin / The Rag Blog / July 15, 2010 Have you ever wondered just what caused the deep recession that the United States is in? Many … Continue reading

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Legacy of the Neocons : Understanding our Economic Fix

Understanding our economic fix:The role of neocon economics in damaging the economy and creating unemployment By Sherman DeBrosse / The Rag Blog / November 29, 2009 If Republicans can blame economic problems on Democratic spending, they will have a leg … Continue reading

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Chicago Sit-In : Courageous Union Making Impressive Statement

United Electrical Union Workers Local President Armando Robles, left, and U.E. Western Regional President Carl Rosen address the media about negotiations with Bank of America and Republic Windows and Doors on the fourth day of a sit-in at the companies … Continue reading

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Sherman DeBrosse : Big Three Bailout a Must

UAW workers picket GMC plant. Photo by Spencer Platt / Getty Images.An auto bridge loan is essential to reduce the pain of recession.By Sherman DeBrosse / The Rag Blog / December 10, 2008 The U.S. economy is so fragile that … Continue reading

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Roger Baker : Getting a Read on this Economy Business

‘We can now observe that the creation of unlimited credit by unregulated investment banks, together with peak/near peak oil causing a steep oil price rise, is together enough to trigger a panicky deflationary spiral that has its own complex dynamics.’ … Continue reading

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Recession: Delusional Politics meets Lewis Carroll

‘”It’s a poor sort of memory that only works backwards,” the Queen remarked.’By Larry Ray / The Rag Blog / December 4, 2008 “The rule is jam tomorrow and jam yesterday – but never jam today!” Young Alice Bernanke stared … Continue reading

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Morici: The Economy Is a Two Wheel Recession

Gone, Baby, Gone: Another 240,000 Jobs LostBy Peter Morici / November 7, 2008 The Labor Department reported the economy lost 240,000 payroll jobs in October, after losing 284,000 jobs in September. This was much worse than was expected and represents … Continue reading

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Bleak News on Employment Front : Jobless Rate Soars

Theodore Harmon, left, helps Solomon Boyd with a job application as the two look for work at the New York State Department of Labor office in Harlem. Photo by David Goldman / NYT.Economist Jared Bernstein: ‘Working families are in trouble’By … Continue reading

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Joseph Stiglitz on the Economy : Falling Down

‘London Bridge’ (1616) by Claes Van Visscher. This engraving shows Old London Bridge in 1616, with Southwark Cathedral in the foreground. The spiked heads of executed criminals can be seen above the Southwark gatehouse. Some of Old London Bridge did … Continue reading

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Economy : Nearing a Tipping Point

Those Greenspan bubbles a’bursting…By Roger Baker / The Rag Blog / July 16, 2008 It looks like the US economy has gotten itself into a ‘liquidity trap’; the blowback from Greenspan’s bubbles and banking deregulation. If we try to avoid … Continue reading

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