Thorne Webb Dreyer, Editor
February 14, 2025
June 2, 2024
Tag Archives: Pentagon
Tom Hayden : Can Obama ‘Rein In’ His Presidency?
Obama: Who’s making the call? Image from Competing forces at play:Can Obama ‘rein in’ his presidency? Obama often follows a confusing pattern of leaning toward the military’s preference while planning in his private chambers to later change course. By … Continue reading
Posted in Rag Bloggers
Tagged CIA, Counterterrorism, Drone Warfare, JFK, Obama Foreign Policy, Pentagon, Public Opinion, Tom Hayden, U.S. Military
BOOKS / Ron Jacobs : Paul Atwood’s ‘War and Empire’
Paul Atwood’s War and Empire The book details the nation’s progression from a bunch of European colonizers to an international syndicate stealing resources and labor and replacing them with U.S. corporate products and empty culture. By Ron Jacobs | The … Continue reading
Posted in Rag Bloggers
Tagged American History, American Society, Books, Imperialism, Militarism, Pentagon, Ron Jacobs, U.S. Foreign Policy
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Jonah Raskin : Michael T. Klare on War and Terrorism
Michael T. Klare. Still image from Klare’s Blood and Oil.A Rag Blog interview:Author Michael T. Klare on terrorism,paper tigers, Vietnam, and the Pentagon: By Jonah Raskin / The Rag Blog / April 6, 2011 He grew up singing the lyrics … Continue reading
Posted in Rag Bloggers
Tagged Interview, Jonah Raskin, Michael T. Klare, Pentagon, U.S. Foreign Policy
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Grisly Calculus : Fudging on Civilian Casualties in Afghanistan
Sar Bland, an Afghan man who was injured in a rocket attack in Tagab, lies on bed at a hospital at the U.S. base at Bagram, Afghanistan. An official said the death of civilians in U.S. rocket attacks presumably aimed … Continue reading
Virtual Coup : Times, Pentagon Returning us to Vietnam?
Afghanistan:Beware a Times/Pentagon ‘virtual coup’ It was the military’s manipulative misreporting in Vietnam that fueled Lyndon Johnson’s 1965 disastrous escalation. By Harvey Wasserman / The Rag Blog / October 24, 2009 Some military coups are still done the old-fashioned way. … Continue reading
Posted in Rag Bloggers
Tagged Afghanistan, Iraq War, Mainstream Media, New York Times, Pentagon, U.S. Foreign Policy, Vietnam
Just What We Needed: A New Cluster Bomb
What cynicism – “clean battlefield operation.” There is no reality left in those in the power of the military-industrial complex. I believe even Dwight Eisenhower, as reactionary as he was, would be astounded at the thinking and the behavior of … Continue reading
Engelhardt: For America, War Is Peace
Graphic: Source.Is America Hooked on War?By Tom Engelhardt / September 17, 2009 “War is peace” was one of the memorable slogans on the facade of the Ministry of Truth, Minitrue in “Newspeak,” the language invented by George Orwell in 1948 … Continue reading
Steve Weissman : Obama’s Big Stick
Barack Obama: Taking up where Teddy Roosevelt left off? Political cartoon from Dakin Archives. In less than hundred days in office, President Barack Obama has already demonstrated his desire to speak softly to all comers, friend or foe, while his … Continue reading
Posted in RagBlog
Tagged Imperialism, Obama Administration, Obama Foreign Policy, Pentagon, Theodore Roosevelt
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Wall Street and the Pentagon : Greed and its Delusions
Greed and its requisite delusions. Art by Tom Payne / Eyeball Press. At the heart of both scams is the deliberate corruption of information on such a vast scale that it overwhelms the mind of the educated layman to make … Continue reading
Barack Obama Takes a Ride on the Pentagon Escalator
World’s Highest Escalator. Image from TechEBlog.Will He be Able to Get Off? President Obama has made a crucial mistake that could very well come back to haunt him, like the initial decision to escalate in Vietnam, made in 1965 against … Continue reading
US Military: Just an Imperial Police Force?
Not to quibble, but the US military has been an imperial police force since time immemorial, or at least since the Monroe Doctrine. Thinking otherwise has frequently led this nation to murder (not to war) for no particularly good reason. … Continue reading
The Pentagon : Attack of the Killer Robots
The Pentagon’s dream of a techno army is doomed to fail. ‘They don’t get hungry,’ Gordon Johnson, who headed a program on unmanned systems at the Joint Forces Command at the Pentagon told the New York Times in 2005. ‘They’re … Continue reading