Thorne Webb Dreyer, Editor
February 14, 2025
June 2, 2024
Tag Archives: Dissent
Bernardine Dohrn : The Obsolete and Dangerous Federal Grand Jury
Bernardine Dohrn, with Bill Ayers and five-year-old Zayd, on the steps of the federal courthouse in New York City, 1982. Photo by David Handschuh / AP.The curious, mysterious, obsolete,and dangerous federal grand jury The federal grand jury is a secret, … Continue reading
Posted in Rag Bloggers
Tagged American History, Bernardine Dohrn, Criminal Justice, Dissent, FBI, Federal Courts, Grand Jury, New Left, Sixties
You’re in the Army Now : Despair, Dissent and Refusal
‘Bad apple?’ Soldier with peace symbol on his helmet patrols south of Baghdad, Feb. 4, 2008. Photo by Maya Alleruzzo / AP.Refusing to comply:The tactics of resistance in an all-volunteer military Present-day G.I. resistance to the occupations of Iraq and … Continue reading
Posted in RagBlog
Tagged Afghanistan, Anti-War GIs, Anti-War Vets, Dissent, Iraq Veterans, IVAW, U.S. Military, Vietnam, War Resisters
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Israeli Government Suppressing Dissent; Hundreds Jailed
‘According to Israeli police reports, at least 763 Israeli citizens, the majority of them Palestinian and 244 under 18 years old, have been arrested, imprisoned or detained for participating in demonstrations.’ By Nora Barrows-Friedman | January 19, 2009 JERUSALEM — … Continue reading
Look Out Denver
“How can we make ourselves less frightening? We aren’t this scary image that protesters often get painted as.” – Zoe Williams, CodePink. Photo by Joe Amon, The Denver Post.New generation plans dissentat Democratic ConventionBy Colleen O’Connor / June 22, 2008 … Continue reading
Food For Thought
Turning Your Lawn into a Victory Garden Won’t Save You — Fighting the Corporations WillBy Stan Cox / June 23, 2008 The corporate agriculture industry would like nothing better than to see us spend all of our free time in … Continue reading
Posted in RagBlog
Tagged Agriculture, Capitalism, Corporate Power, Dissent, Gardening, Political Action, Social Action
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Iraq Moratorium #10 – June 20th
They’ll be flipping pancakes for peace Friday, June 20, at the Midwest Renewable Energy Expo in Wisconsin.They’ll hold a teach-in on torture on the train to San Jose, where a picket and vigil will target a Boeing subsidiary accused of … Continue reading
Acting Against the Agents of War Crimes
War Criminals Must Fear Punishment: That’s why I went for John BoltonBy George Monbiot / June 3, 2008 As long as the greatest crime of the 21st century remains unprosecuted, we all have a duty to keep the truth aliveI … Continue reading
Revolting Repression Runs Rampant with Sheeple
Here is a blatant, repellent example of censorship in the wolf-suit of patriotism. The call to participate in the Ferndale, MI Memorial Day parade called for no political signs. The respondent to this announcement is Peter Werbe, an activist and … Continue reading
Iraq War Moratorium Number 9, Number 9, Num …
The Raging Grannies, backed by San Mateo Peace Action, demonstrated at the San Mateo, CA post office on “tax day,” as part of Iraq Moratorium 8.The Iraq Moratorium is a national, grassroots effort uniting individuals and groups who want to … Continue reading
We Are a Nation at War with Ourselves
The Pentagon vs. Americaby Scott Ritter / May 5, 2008 I recently heard from an anti-war student I met while I was speaking at a college in northern Vermont. The e-mail included the following query: “I told you about how … Continue reading
Our Hands Are Tainted with Innocent Blood
‘Blood Diamonds’ ‘Blood Oil’ and ‘Blood Food’By Pablo Ouziel True commitment to stopping the war in Iraq requires a global human rights strike, in which the working population of the world stops producing, until the governments and the corporations realize … Continue reading
A Litany for George Carlin in Seven Words
George Carlin, who died of heart failure Sunday at 71, leaves behind not only a series of memorable routines, but a legal legacy: His most celebrated monologue, a frantic, informed riff on those infamous seven words, led to a Supreme … Continue reading →